Intern with the LACS!
As an independent, non-profit organization the LACS offers a variety of internship opportunities. Interns work closely with all LACS staff and gain valuable experience and exposure to a wide variety of non-profit and museum related roles. The goal of internships at the LACS is for the intern to better understand the inner workings of a non-profit, international, membership-based society with a museum and research center.
Lloyd “Gilly” Croatt Collections and Archives Paid Internship
Position filled for Summer 2024.
The Luxembourg American Cultural Society (LACS) in Belgium, Wisconsin is seeking interns to work in the areas of collections, exhibits, educational programming, and research. The goal of the internship is for the interns to better understand the inner workings of a non-profit, international, membership-based society with a museum and research center. The interns would work closely with all LACS staff, and primarily with the Curator.
About the Lloyd “Gilly” Croatt Collections and Archives Internship Program
Lloyd was a founding member of the LACS and ushered in the building of the Luxembourg American Cultural Center. He also took an active role in preserving multiple historic sites with ties to Luxembourg and early Luxembourg immigrants. The LACS cares for nearly 23,000 artifacts, books, and photographs that all pertain to Luxembourg American culture and history. It is our hope that this internship program will help continue the work of Lloyd in the preservation of our heritage. Donations are still welcome to help preserve Lloyd’s memory through this internship program. Donate Here!
Visitor Experience Paid Internship
Position filled for Summer 2024.
The Luxembourg American Cultural Society (LACS) in Belgium, Wisconsin is seeking an intern to work in the areas of visitor experience, educational programming, and exhibits. The goal of the internship is for the interns to better understand the inner workings of a non-profit, international, membership-based society with a museum and research center. The intern would work closely with all LACS staff, and primarily with the Museum Curator and Membership & Public Programs Coordinator.
Volunteer with the LACS!
As an independent, non-profit organization with only three full time staff members, volunteers are crucial to the long-term success of the LACS. The LACS offers a variety of volunteer opportunities and can accommodate most schedules with help needed once a year, once a month, once a week, or multiple times a week.
For more info, contact LACS Marketing and Membership Engagement Coordinator, Mileana Burmesch by emailing or calling 262-476-5086.
Volunteer jobs range from:
- Greeting and Assisting Visitors
- Giving Museum Tours
- Educational Programs Help
- Gardening and Outdoor Help
- Mailings & General Office Help
- Research Center Organization
- Researching Genealogy
- Assist with Historic Collections Care
- Events Setup/Takedown
- Luxembourg Fest Weekend Events
- And More!
Want more info?
Click below for our downloadable LACS Volunteer Flyer!
Ready to get started?
Fill out this Volunteer Application and email it to Olivia at